★活動時間:2020.9.29(二) 13:30~15:30
★活動地點 :樂暢親子共學空間
★活動內容:媽媽寶貝運動,屬於室內運動,從瑜珈暖身、有氧操、到呼吸放鬆法以及媽咪心情分享,歡迎有興趣的媽媽可以帶0到3歲的寶寶一起來參加,每次參加 平均分攤場地費一人200元,多餘的費用會捐贈給家扶中心。
★Activity content: Mom and baby indoor exercises, ranging from yoga warm-ups, aerobics, to breathing and relaxation, and mom’s mood sharing. Interested moms are welcome to bring babies from 0 to 3 years old to participate. Participants will share an average of 200 Nt per person, and the excess will be donated to the Taiwan Fund For Children and Family (TFCF).
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